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eaSt Fitness Box
Get your fitness box from eaSt now! Each box is packed with powerful workout gadgets and training tips from the pros. A fashionable outfit is also included so that you can rock your fitness journey in eaSt style. For just €169.00, you can enjoy products with a value of over €330. The offer is only valid while stocks last.
With this box, you will be able to take part in the eaSt academy, that is airing on our instagram page in February!
Are you starting the new year with sport? Then the eaSt fitness box is a real must-have for you! This surprise box contains a stylish eaSt outfit, cool fitness tools and professional workout tips. This will turn your training sessions into a real highlight. The best thing: with this box, you will be able to take part in the eaSt academy, that is airing on our instagram page in February!
If you don't want to miss out on this offer, then hurry up now, because the eaSt fitness box is only available in limited quantities.
We will lovingly pack your surprise box and send it to you free of charge. One of the clothing items doesn’t fit? No problem! Please contact customer service to exchange it for the correct size. Returning the box is only possible if the fascia tool remains unopened. Individual products cannot be returned. You can find the necessary forms at under “Customer Service.” Please note that you will need to cover the return shipping costs in both cases.